Wood Cook Stoves Overview

The cook stove may be clad in a pre-fabricated soapstone, granite, or refractory veneer available in kit shipped from American Masonry Heaters. This kit includes refractory core blocks, cast iron and ceramic-glass loading doors, cast iron cooking surface, internal grates, an insulation board, and construction and owners’ manuals.

Perfect for your home or cabin, our wood burning stoves provide you with a unique cooking and baking experience. No longer will you have to depend on outside gas or electricity to use your stove. Give yourself the peace of mind that when the power goes out, you can still cook a delicious dinner, because your stove is powered by fire! And as your food cooks, let the wood fire burn and enjoy the radiant warmth provided by our heaters in every room of your home.


Cook Stove

Cookstove with all components: $4200.00

Compact size. Cooking and heating small space. Includes cooktop, oven and firebox.